Designjet 500 Check Print Head Cover Message
Posted by Bob Wert on
I ordered and replaced the belt in my HP designjet 800 like it is shown in your tutorial. designjet-500-800-carriage-belt-replacement
But now I have the message on the screen: "Open and check printhead cover is properly closed" I cannot solve this problem. Can you please tell me what to do?
The plotter thinks the carriage print head latch is hitting the frame. It probably isn’t. Something is causing extra friction or an obstruction in the Y-axis. With the power off, move the carriage by hand all the way left and right to try to determine if it is hitting something or has some point of resistance.
If there is none, check that the encoder strip is installed correctly. The right side mounting has a hole in it and that hole has to fit over a peg on the service station bracket. If the hole is not on the peg, you will get this error. SEE: Designjet 500 86:01 error at right end of plotter
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Hi, I have a DJ510 42 inch with a locked printhead carrier. It came with the error “Open Window and Check Printhead Cover Message”. I have already examined the belt and found that it should be replaced. I disconnected the printer from the mains and tried to move the carrier by hand. It can be moved about 6 cm left-right, but not out of the service station position. The shaft/pulley of the drive motor is free and I have also turned the white gears by hand to unlock the Carrier from the service station. But the Carrier still won’t move out of the service station. It feels like the Carrier is hitting a stop. What could be the problem? I would be very grateful for any advice. Thank you very much.
dear sir my plotter is come printhead cover properly closed massge how to solve can u help me
Hello I changed out my carriage belt and now I am getting the same message to check printhead cover everything is closed nothing is in the way to my knowledge
After replacing belt per your instructions, designjet 800 42" during initialization the carriage stops at same location in either direction (just outside of it’s home location). Something strange is trailing cable where 3 ribbons join (at printhead carriage) has what looks to be electrical tape and at this location one of the ribbons looks damaged. Would a damaged trailing cable cause this. Also cleaned encoder strip with soft towel and warm water but there are some spots that look stained. We did also replace formatter board/hard disk with LPS part and noticed firmware is older than what was installed. The fw would not be causing the “Open window and check printhead cover is properly closed” message, would it?
So if it could be either trailing cable or encoder strip we will have to purchase both. Thanks
My HP 800 was working fine until the message (…print head cover…) Test with power off carriage moves easy from end to end. After power on carriage mimics hitting something. Slight first (about 1/4 inch) move is to the right.This happens at far right far left and anywhere in between. With power on I can move the carriage but has resistance. After moving carriage to new place, I hit Enter, fails again.