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Designjet 500 Check Print Head Cover Message

Posted by Bob Wert on

I ordered and replaced the belt in my HP designjet 800 like it is shown in your tutorial. designjet-500-800-carriage-belt-replacement

But now I have the message on the screen: "Open and check printhead cover is properly closed" I cannot solve this problem.  Can you please tell me what to do?


The plotter thinks the carriage print head latch is hitting the frame.  It probably isn’t.  Something is causing extra friction or an obstruction in the Y-axis.  With the power off, move the carriage by hand all the way left and right to try to determine if it is hitting something or has some point of resistance.

If there is none, check that the encoder strip is installed correctly.  The right side mounting has a hole in it and that hole has to fit over a peg on the service station bracket.  If the hole is not on the peg, you will get this error. SEE: Designjet 500 86:01 error at right end of plotter

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  • Thanks. Cleared an issue I was having with the information you provided.

    Florencio on
  • Hi. Hp-500 Designjet Plotter give message close Print Head cover but cover is close properly Carrige movement is normal.Encorder cable also change & Service ststion .


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